Push yourself (good text in depth)
Push yourself (good text in depth)
There are no shortcuts to the future you want. It all starts with pushing yourself.


there is a good saying:

"behind all excellence, there is ascetic self-discipline."

this is the way of life. If you work hard, you may not have success.

but if you don't fight, if you don't work, you will have nothing.

this world, without a sedan chair, can shield you from the wind and rain all the way and take you to the other side of victory.

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keep working hard, keep falling, keep getting up, keep trying and making mistakes, it is possible to meet good opportunities and have great luck.

No one forces you in your life.

Don't work hard when you are young, but it will give you a taste of helplessness when you are old.

if you don't struggle when you should struggle, you can only watch others enjoy it.

drinking and pecking is cause and effect; hard work and harvest are inevitable.

No one is easy to live. Whenever there is one, there is also someone who is carrying the weight for him.

in this life, only what you create and what you own are really not afraid of being taken away by others.

if you live on your own, you will have nothing to fear; if you struggle on your own, you will not be afraid of having no way back.

Don't dislike tiredness, no one is not tired.

Zeng Guofan said:

"if you stick to your ambition, suffer your heart, and work hard, you will achieve something, big or small."

where did the achievement come from?

is the result of hard work, hard work, and meticulous self-discipline.

in particular, we are all the children of ordinary people, and we do not stand on the shoulders of giants.

only by living yourself as a giant can you become unusual.

Don't envy others for their brilliance, because you can't see the darkness they go through.

Don't envy other people's achievements, because you can't see the bitterness he swallowed;

Don't envy what others have, because you can't see what they have lost.

people, don't envy others, live yourself well.

We should constantly change our laziness and temper our will.

constantly ask yourself to learn and forge ahead, and constantly strive for people who are better than you.

Fu Seoul, the champion of Qifa Shuo, said:

"if I make people feel that there is some light on me today, it is because I spent the most beautiful years of women on that bench."

in this world, you are not alone in suffering. There are too many people who live many times more miserable lives than you.

if you want to achieve something, you have to keep your feet on the ground; if you want to be better than others, you have to bear more weight than others.

there is no easy success, only outstanding enough to fight hard;

there is no readily available wealth, only bit by bit accumulation;

there is no prosperity envied by others, only persistence that no one cares about.

Life, that's it.

there are no shortcuts to the future you want. It all starts with pushing yourself.

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