Think about something before you go to bed

Think about something before you go to bed

Force yourself to be good
Life (good text in depth)

Life (good text in depth)

In fact, the fate of everyone has long been doomed.
Never trust people, never believe in human nature (profound)

Never trust people, never believe in human nature (profound)

People who have seen a larger world tend to be more modest.
The more you refuse these requests of the opposite sex, the more he loves you.

The more you refuse these requests of the opposite sex, the more he loves you.

Good love is to make you a better self, not to lose yourself completely.
The best test of marriage: sleep

The best test of marriage: sleep

Whether the relationship between husband and wife is good or not depends on the state of sleeping.
A little sad, can only laugh it off

A little sad, can only laugh it off

Not happy with things, not sad with yourself, the past is like smoke, indifferent with the wind.
If you don't manage your emotions, all health care is futile.

If you don't manage your emotions, all health care is futile.

Life is a long journey, and managing your emotions is the first step towards stability.
When people reach middle age, these people don't have to get in touch with each other. It's pointless.

When people reach middle age, these people don't have to get in touch with each other. It's pointless.

May you and I both have the courage to break up and live a comfortable life with a wanton smile.